Construction costs for a house.

 How to calculate the cost of building a new house and how you can reduce it through a preliminary study. When you decide to build your dream new home, you must have a specific plan for it and have a budget for the specific stages of its construction. You need to know what the value of the work activities of your dream home will be. Here we will describe the main factors that determine the cost of building a new home.


Construction costs for a house and the price of the property.


- Do you know if your property is on level ground or not? The terrain of the property you are building can affect the price of the preparation, and hence the price of the new construction of your home.


The size of the house.


- It will cost you more to build a small home than to build a larger one. When building a larger house, the costs are distributed over the area of ​​land. Also, it costs less to build a two-story house with the same area as a one-story house. This is because two-story houses have smaller foundations and roofs.


Construction costs for the house and the chosen design.


- Buildings with rectangular shapes and simple design cost less. The cost of design, as well as construction with them, is significantly lower. Projects that are designed with more angles and bends in the design are more expensive for the Investor.


Construction costs for house and kitchen, bathroom, and wet rooms.


- These are the most expensive areas in the construction of prefabricated houses. When using other examples to calculate your construction costs, make sure they have similar characteristics to the one you want.


Rising inflation.


- In addition to reducing its purchasing power, inflation also increases construction costs by about 7% per year. When using other prefabricated houses already built as a guide to the expected costs, be sure that they were completed less than a year ago. In this way, your idea will be up-to-date and you will not get the wrong idea about the costs because you have stepped on out-of-date information.


Construction costs for a house and the state of the construction sector at the moment.


- If in the year you decide to start building your house, the construction sector is in crisis, it will benefit you. The more construction sites are completed, the higher the cost of construction as a whole. In times of crisis and lack of new projects, construction companies do not have jobs for their employees. Hence the advantage, because they will be more willing to compromise on the price they will ask you to do the construction.


Construction costs for a house and the characteristics of the building.


- Get acquainted in advance with all the specifications and characteristics of the selected type of construction that you will use for the construction of the building.


If you have questions that are difficult for you to answer, remember that you can always contact us. We will be happy to help you realize your dreams of a new home.